Tuesday 6 March 2012

H.I.S For Nurse and Nurse for H.I.S

Medical problem lists are valuable to health care professionals to document and communicate key clinical information in a concise way. The need for valid, medical problem lists has gained importance with the expanded use of electronic health records and associated functionalities such as decision-support tools and drug-disease alert systems. Despite the recognized added value of problem lists, most are created through manual data entry, placing an added burden on physicians in the form of documentation time.
This study describes the preliminary validation of an innovative automated health problem list in an electronic drug/disease management system (McGill-E-Rx). Specifically, this study aims to determine the number and types of health problems generated by the system and to examine the accuracy of the system in generating problems that are subsequently confirmed by physicians as being
        Hence: Automated Information System will actually help the nursing profession into a global standardized practice when it comes to data access towards the client that may help the professional practice for a better and genuine care. Thereby: No need to hire programmers, or mess about with windows scripting. WinAutomation is an advanced, yet easy to use automation tool that can easily handle any type of task no matter how easy or complicated that might be.


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