Tuesday 6 December 2011

Can Automation Save The Nurse

Automation is the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic  means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. Thus; this will help anybody or any profession saving power,effort, time and even way of processing. 
               A computer is an electronic device that runs software programs that allow you to input, store, and manipulate data. There are many different kinds of computers. A desktop sits on a desk. A laptop fits in a lap. A notebook is about the size of what you once carried around to jot down patient information. A handheld is smaller still, and a palmtop fits in the palm of your hand.http:(//www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

         Everyone resists change—unless it's their idea! Yet change is what computers represent to many healthcare professionals, who liked and trusted the paper system they've been using for so long. It doesn't help that using computers in the healthcare system has been given the hifalutin term informatics.
In most hospitals today, nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other clinicians use a computer to record patient information they have collected in the course of providing care. Increasingly, they do it at the same time they are giving that care, before they move on to the next patient encounter (even, perhaps, before they leave the room). Most busy professionals find that this saves steps, errors of memory, and that precious commodity, time.

          An example is a CPOE, or computerized physician order entry (system). With CPOE software, the physician or other licensed provider enters a medication order directly into the computer. This approach to order entry eliminates problems with the interpretation of handwriting, as well as delays in the transcription of the order.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

         To further enhance my discussion: change of mind set from manual to automation would be a big impact of healthcare worker specially to the nurses who take change of the patients 24 hours under  with an individualized care. Thus, by providing a better avenue for the nurses with an electronic communication with data base for nursing implementation program for patient fast recovery will help a lot, specially to nurses who usually take care 15 to 20patient in a shift.  More so; lesser time but having a thorough basis for intervention will be an advantage for the nurses to work for another task.

        A comprehensive treatment of healthcare informatics is beyond the scope of this course. Despite its importance the formal study of informatics is apparently incredibly boring to many clinicians. That's because it's full of technical information and evolving theories, ideologies, and languages that have been implemented in the real world only on a limited basis.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

       Technically speaking, healthcare informatics is a blend of clinical science, computer technology, and information management; it involves the collection, storage, retrieval, and use of information for the purpose of providing care, solving problems, and making decisions (American Nurses Association, 2006; Thede, 2003). When functioning optimally, this potent combination of resources can make input easier and access readily available to other members of the healthcare team. In addition, it can potentially support cost negotiations and public health data gathering, among many other things.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html).

     Hence; Automation saves the health care providers specially to the Nurses just because of the purpose of accomplishing the task less time, instead of documenting the Nursing interventions manually ,it's easier to find all gathered all the basis for intervention  by clicking the key word of given software where data base is installed. Furthermore;  electronic system will provide less errors of patient under the nurse care.

       The computer, and the information it stores, is becoming increasingly indispensable to patient safety initiatives. For example, as part of the national movement to reduce medication errors, hospitals are being pushed by regulators and quality groups to purchase and implement computer programs that can eliminate or minimize common causes of medication errors.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html).

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