Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ways Of Sharing Information Through Network System

     Many people these days use multiple computers. They might have a desktop at their office as well as a laptop for traveling or just going to a coffee shop. Ensuring that all of your files are accessible no matter what computer you are using is quite a difficult task. The same could be said for the complexity of keeping your Evolution address book, Tomboy notes, or Firefox bookmarks in sync.Network system - it keeps your digital life in sync. All of your documents, music, bookmarks, address book contacts, and notes stay in sync across all of your computers. In addition, they are all stored in your personal online cloud so you can use a web browser from any computer to access all of your files.(https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html)

      Computer networks allow you to share files with friends, family, coworkers and customers. Before the Internet and home networks became popular, files were often shared using floppy disks. Nowadays, some people still use CD-ROM / DVD-ROM disks and USB keys for transfering their photos and videos, but networks give you more flexible options.

Network file sharing is the process of copying files from one computer to another using a live network connection. This article describes the different methods and networking technologies available to help you share files. (http://compnetworking.about.com/od/basicnetworkingconcepts/a/file_sharing.htm)

  •  File Sharing With Microsoft Windows: an older but still popular method to share files on the Internet.
  •  P2P - Peer to Peer File Sharing: file sharing an extremely popular method for swapping large files on the Internet, particularly music and videos. Unlike FTP, most P2P file sharing systems do not use any central servers but instead allow all computers on the network to function both as a client and a server.
  • Email: For decades, files have been transferred from person to person over a network using email software.  
  • Online Sharing Services: Finally, numerous Web sites built for community file sharing exist on the Internet. Members post or upload their files to the site using a Web browser, and others can then download copies of these files using their browser.

     Sharing files from system to another would be easier with the used of the Intranet, Thus; this will helpa lot of people would are into online business transaction,specially in the Health care set up,However; in the clinical set up( Hospital setting) Nurses need with an immediate information to be transferred from offices to another. An example of this would be when the client need a emergency medications data base would be enough to transfer information from one department to another ( Nurse station to Pharmacy).

     Hence; sharing information through Network system would be a good idea in the clinical area. More so; it has a contributions for nurses to work fast by only by network system  in any means of sharing information.

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