Tuesday 6 March 2012

H.I.S For Nurse and Nurse for H.I.S

Medical problem lists are valuable to health care professionals to document and communicate key clinical information in a concise way. The need for valid, medical problem lists has gained importance with the expanded use of electronic health records and associated functionalities such as decision-support tools and drug-disease alert systems. Despite the recognized added value of problem lists, most are created through manual data entry, placing an added burden on physicians in the form of documentation time.
This study describes the preliminary validation of an innovative automated health problem list in an electronic drug/disease management system (McGill-E-Rx). Specifically, this study aims to determine the number and types of health problems generated by the system and to examine the accuracy of the system in generating problems that are subsequently confirmed by physicians as being
        Hence: Automated Information System will actually help the nursing profession into a global standardized practice when it comes to data access towards the client that may help the professional practice for a better and genuine care. Thereby: No need to hire programmers, or mess about with windows scripting. WinAutomation is an advanced, yet easy to use automation tool that can easily handle any type of task no matter how easy or complicated that might be.


Telenursing!way for Civilization!

         "Telenursing is the use of telemedicine technology to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice. Broader than telenursing, telehealth is the removal of time and distance barriers for the delivery of health care services or related health care activities." Telemedicine uses a variety of telecommunication technologies and computers to provide medical and healthcare information and services to patients at another site. How and why these services have developed has evolved over the years.
        Components of telenursing have existed for 35 years, beginning in 1974 with Mary Quinn, who documented her care with patients at Logan Airport via telemedicine while she worked from a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Since that time, creative nurses have used technology to advance healthcare in a variety of ways. Many advanced practice nurses are now leaders in telenursing practice. This article emphasizes some of the important policy issues about which nurses should be aware if they intend to further the use of telehealth.
       Much of what is known about how clinicians practice telenursing comes from Internet surveys conducted in 2000 and 2005. Survey responses came from 719 nurses in 36 countries who practiced in a variety of settings. Details about practice sites, patients, and nursing care were obtained via these surveys. One finding was that respondents believed that telenursing could alleviate the nursing shortage and that important caring behaviors can be maintained during telenursing interactions just as they are in face-to-face encounters. The article explored caring and provided evidence-based strategies for demonstrating caring using technology in patient interactions before, during, and after a virtual patient visit.
     The article also examined practice policy considerations for advanced practice telenursing and explored key issues such as technology selection and implementation principles, interstate licensure, malpractice, and telehealth reimbursement and why these issues are important to the future of telenursing.
(Schlachta-Fairchild L, Varghese SB, Deickman A, Castelli D J Nurse Pract. 2010;6:98-106)

      One of the contributions of this article is a discussion about how telenursing can help alleviate the nursing shortage in the United States, providing access to care irrespective of the geographic location of the provider and patients. We have all heard the statistics about the predicted nursing shortage in the next 5-10 years. This article provides some positive news in a world where there are fewer nurses to care for patients. If the use of technology increases at the same rate as the loss of nurses from the workforce, then telenursing will be imperative if nurses are to continue to meet the needs of clients.
I have found nurses to be extremely creative, particularly when it comes to finding ways to meet the needs of their patients. At the same time, my own review of the literature and anecdotal experience suggests that for every nurse with a growing interest in telenursing, there are many more nurses who still are not using the Internet at all, and telenursing care is far from their minds. If nursing is to embrace telenursing and realize its potential, concerted effort needs to be made to help nurses become computer literate. Although many undergraduate nursing programs use computers in their courses and require students to use computers for study and assignments, we have to find ways for experienced nurses in the workforce to make this transition as well, if we are to prepare more nurses to function in a telehealth world.

       Therefore.way of enhancing the care of client is the use with the internet access via electronics accessibility that may able to  produce quality patient care regardless of the diagnosis. Thereby: Telenursing may be a help of nursing profession in order to graph an increase progress of  nursing care in every patient provided with less hospital stay with fast and genuine care to client.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ways Of Sharing Information Through Network System

     Many people these days use multiple computers. They might have a desktop at their office as well as a laptop for traveling or just going to a coffee shop. Ensuring that all of your files are accessible no matter what computer you are using is quite a difficult task. The same could be said for the complexity of keeping your Evolution address book, Tomboy notes, or Firefox bookmarks in sync.Network system - it keeps your digital life in sync. All of your documents, music, bookmarks, address book contacts, and notes stay in sync across all of your computers. In addition, they are all stored in your personal online cloud so you can use a web browser from any computer to access all of your files.(https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html)

      Computer networks allow you to share files with friends, family, coworkers and customers. Before the Internet and home networks became popular, files were often shared using floppy disks. Nowadays, some people still use CD-ROM / DVD-ROM disks and USB keys for transfering their photos and videos, but networks give you more flexible options.

Network file sharing is the process of copying files from one computer to another using a live network connection. This article describes the different methods and networking technologies available to help you share files. (http://compnetworking.about.com/od/basicnetworkingconcepts/a/file_sharing.htm)

  •  File Sharing With Microsoft Windows: an older but still popular method to share files on the Internet.
  •  P2P - Peer to Peer File Sharing: file sharing an extremely popular method for swapping large files on the Internet, particularly music and videos. Unlike FTP, most P2P file sharing systems do not use any central servers but instead allow all computers on the network to function both as a client and a server.
  • Email: For decades, files have been transferred from person to person over a network using email software.  
  • Online Sharing Services: Finally, numerous Web sites built for community file sharing exist on the Internet. Members post or upload their files to the site using a Web browser, and others can then download copies of these files using their browser.

     Sharing files from system to another would be easier with the used of the Intranet, Thus; this will helpa lot of people would are into online business transaction,specially in the Health care set up,However; in the clinical set up( Hospital setting) Nurses need with an immediate information to be transferred from offices to another. An example of this would be when the client need a emergency medications data base would be enough to transfer information from one department to another ( Nurse station to Pharmacy).

     Hence; sharing information through Network system would be a good idea in the clinical area. More so; it has a contributions for nurses to work fast by only by network system  in any means of sharing information.

Can Automation Save The Nurse

Automation is the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic  means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. Thus; this will help anybody or any profession saving power,effort, time and even way of processing. 
               A computer is an electronic device that runs software programs that allow you to input, store, and manipulate data. There are many different kinds of computers. A desktop sits on a desk. A laptop fits in a lap. A notebook is about the size of what you once carried around to jot down patient information. A handheld is smaller still, and a palmtop fits in the palm of your hand.http:(//www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

         Everyone resists change—unless it's their idea! Yet change is what computers represent to many healthcare professionals, who liked and trusted the paper system they've been using for so long. It doesn't help that using computers in the healthcare system has been given the hifalutin term informatics.
In most hospitals today, nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other clinicians use a computer to record patient information they have collected in the course of providing care. Increasingly, they do it at the same time they are giving that care, before they move on to the next patient encounter (even, perhaps, before they leave the room). Most busy professionals find that this saves steps, errors of memory, and that precious commodity, time.

          An example is a CPOE, or computerized physician order entry (system). With CPOE software, the physician or other licensed provider enters a medication order directly into the computer. This approach to order entry eliminates problems with the interpretation of handwriting, as well as delays in the transcription of the order.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

         To further enhance my discussion: change of mind set from manual to automation would be a big impact of healthcare worker specially to the nurses who take change of the patients 24 hours under  with an individualized care. Thus, by providing a better avenue for the nurses with an electronic communication with data base for nursing implementation program for patient fast recovery will help a lot, specially to nurses who usually take care 15 to 20patient in a shift.  More so; lesser time but having a thorough basis for intervention will be an advantage for the nurses to work for another task.

        A comprehensive treatment of healthcare informatics is beyond the scope of this course. Despite its importance the formal study of informatics is apparently incredibly boring to many clinicians. That's because it's full of technical information and evolving theories, ideologies, and languages that have been implemented in the real world only on a limited basis.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html)

       Technically speaking, healthcare informatics is a blend of clinical science, computer technology, and information management; it involves the collection, storage, retrieval, and use of information for the purpose of providing care, solving problems, and making decisions (American Nurses Association, 2006; Thede, 2003). When functioning optimally, this potent combination of resources can make input easier and access readily available to other members of the healthcare team. In addition, it can potentially support cost negotiations and public health data gathering, among many other things.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html).

     Hence; Automation saves the health care providers specially to the Nurses just because of the purpose of accomplishing the task less time, instead of documenting the Nursing interventions manually ,it's easier to find all gathered all the basis for intervention  by clicking the key word of given software where data base is installed. Furthermore;  electronic system will provide less errors of patient under the nurse care.

       The computer, and the information it stores, is becoming increasingly indispensable to patient safety initiatives. For example, as part of the national movement to reduce medication errors, hospitals are being pushed by regulators and quality groups to purchase and implement computer programs that can eliminate or minimize common causes of medication errors.(http://www.nursingceu.com/courses/266/index_nceu.html).

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Beyond Nursing Practice

Being in the practice of medical profession,it is then most of the passionate to be part in the nursing practice. Taking care with  patients in a shift as a nursing student are most highly  challenging, considering that after hours of duty they are certain things to be done for the next day of duty while thinking of other responsibilities which i am not oath to do;more so, our extra service after hospital exposure,rendering TLC towards the clients, patients documentation,endorsement and even making some point of duty hours extending once's service to other patients. Nevertheless; there are things that i do best aside from the passionate care of my client,and that is the involvement of church activity to the less fortunate people.

My Call to become a nurse is measure on how I extend my help to others, and extending help to others start in the involvement of church activity and portray values that you I may influence others. Nursing is a profession wherein there a lot of requirements ( Passionate heart,call from God, values, culture and even knowledge on how we consider ourselves being a patient). In fact- some nurses where not able to practice the profession ideally because they are not called in the said so-called Nursing. But once you desire helping other by involving church activity would be the best stepping stone to become effective and efficient Nurse Practitioners

Two service at a time is genuine desire of me in which i could not refuse to do, Taking care of patients and involving my self in church activity.I am then more serious of stewarding of my action,directing my decision making, accelerating my points of view,managing my time and most specially loving what i am doing which i think best. It's really good to practice what is said in the academic institution while performing once in a lifetime happiness by extending my arms to the needy. I enjoy my life,i am finishing my race,i am living with good life,and i am still fighting the fight heading on me.Practicing once profession is good but doing something for the others is fulfilling. Stand on what you are doing- reaching on what is beyond.